Kashmir Day

People in Pakistan commemorating Kashmir Day with flags and banners

Kashmir Day is celebrated on February 5 every year. On this day, Pakistan commemorates and pays tribute to the martyrs who gave their lives in the fight for Kashmiri independence.

We celebrate this day to reinforce and show support for the Kashmiri freedom movement. The ceremony honors Pakistan’s defense of Jammu and Kashmir in the years following the partition in 1947–1948. It is a day that unites the entire country.

Kashmir, the heaven on Earth, has blazed for more than seven decades, unnoticed by those who make global decisions. Indian military forces invaded Pakistan’s borders against their will and occupied Kashmir after the emergence of Pakistan. However, after a UN resolution, Pakistan withdrew its forces. At that time, both nations were engaged in military conflict with one another.

Sadly, the UN resolution was not followed, and the Kashmiris have been subjected to more than 70 years of forced displacement, robbery, torture, murder, assault, and abandonment.

The Kashmir Conflict at Partition

Kashmir formed an important component of sub-continental history in the eighth and ninth centuries. During these centuries, both Buddhism and Hinduism expanded in the region. While Christianity is the most popular religion in Kashmir, Islam has been the center of its inhabitants’ interest since the 13th century.

Muslims ruled the valley for more than five centuries. Sikhs and then British rulers governed the region before Muslims attained a majority in the valley.

The Indian subcontinent was divided after the British rulers decided to end the situation and return to their own homeland. All parties agreed that Pakistan would consist of the Muslim-populated portions of the Indian subcontinent, while India would have the rest.

However, Lord Mountbatten and the Indian government at the time collaborated against Pakistan and forcibly took control of what is now known as occupied Kashmir. Pakistan and India fought the first of three wars in the region. The UN adopted a resolution in 1949 to decide the region’s fate with the approval of Kashmiri citizens.

Indian Military Operations in Kashmir

Since the Indian military forces took control of the valley, many attacks by those forces have resulted in the deaths of thousands of Kashmiris. Independent sources and media organizations have supported allegations of human rights abuses in the Kashmir valley. Since 1989, the valley has reportedly lost more than 100,000 residents, according to independent advocates for human rights.

For the previous four decades, reports from the area have described horrible atrocities including human abuse, victimization, rape, child torture, and child disappearance.

The Response of Kashmir’s Citizens

Despite the violent operations of the Indian armed forces, the Indian government has been unable to silence the voice of independence emerging from every home in Kashmir. Kashmiri youth have condemned the brutal actions of the Indian military forces all these years. In 2019, the Indian military declared a lockdown on the entire state, which is still in effect today.

Numerous Kashmiris have lost their battle for survival due to a scarcity of food and water. People are confined inside their homes and unable to leave for work. However, no amount of lockdown could deter the area’s youth, and there has not been a single day without protest rallies.

Pakistan’s Stance on the Kashmir Conflict

Pakistan has maintained a unified position since the UN adopted a resolution to resolve the Kashmir issue based on the preferences of Kashmir’s residents. Pakistan has backed the approach taken by Kashmiri citizens to resolve the conflict. Every Prime Minister and the Pakistani government have brought up the problem on international platforms.

How Does Pakistan Celebrate Kashmir Solidarity Day?

Pakistan celebrates Kashmir Day, a national holiday, on February 5 every year to support the people of Jammu and Kashmir, who are subject to Indian rule, and to express support for them in their struggle for independence.

Among the more prevalent events are:

1.Rallies and Protests

Pakistani citizens rallying with flags and banners in support of Kashmir
Pakistanis rally on Kashmir Day to condemn Indian actions in Kashmir and show solidarity with the Kashmiri cause.

Across Pakistan, people take to the streets to condemn the Indian assault in Kashmir and express solidarity for the Kashmiri cause.

2.Political and Religious Speeches

Political and religious leaders giving speeches in support of Kashmir on Kashmir Day
Leaders from various political and religious groups deliver speeches on Kashmir Day, calling for an end to human rights abuses in Kashmir.

Speakers from various political and religious groups show their support for the Kashmiri people and call for an end to the human rights abuses carried out in the region by Indian forces.

3.Prayers and Quran Readings

People participating in prayers and Quran readings for Kashmir on Kashmir Day
Special prayers and Quran readings are held in mosques and religious institutions on Kashmir Day for the well-being of the Kashmiri people and regional peace.

Mosques and other religious institutions organize special prayers and Quran readings for the well-being of the Kashmiri people and regional peace.

4.Government and Official Events

The Pakistani government organizes formal events like flag-raising ceremonies and memorial services for Kashmiri martyrs.

5.Media Coverage

The Pakistani media runs special programs and coverage to create awareness about the Kashmir dispute and the sufferings of the Kashmiri people.

These activities draw attention to the current conflict in Kashmir and highlight the necessity of a peaceful resolution to the problem.

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